Faculty and Staff Email
Office 365 Main At its core, Office 365 is the same suite of Office products and services you recognize, now provided through the cloud. Through Office 365, Microsoft offers more features in and greater access to the tools you use, both at work and at home. USC, a long-time DocAve user, migrated to Office 365 and needed a new set of solutions to manage SharePoint. As a public university with 1,500 unique SharePoint users, USC needed an environment that provided a seamless user-experience to enable their staff to provision collaboration sites based off existing, approved templates for projects and committees.
Microsoft Office 365 is the default central email system for USC faculty and staff. USC-branded Gmail accounts are available to faculty in some schools. (To see if this option is available in your school, contact your local IT support.) The USC employee email policy applies to both Microsoft Office 365 and Gmail.
Usc Schedule Of Classes 2016
Microsoft Office 365
Gmail for Faculty
NOTE: Some schools and units administer their own email systems and provide additional email accounts for their faculty and staff. For more information, contact your local IT support.
Student Email
Gmail is the default central email system for students.
Usc Microsoft Outlook 365
Related Information
Usc Outlook 365 Login
Faculty/Staff Organizational Email Accounts (Local IT Support)
Student Organizational Email Accounts
Mail Lists