Cargo VPN

AWS Site-to-Site VPN and Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN Connection Pricing

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Data transfer out on AWS Site-to-Site VPN incurs data transfer out charges that are explained in the EC2 on-demand pricing page.

The Cargo VPN service allows the creation of up to 3 different accounts. The Cargo VPN service allows the use of up to 5 different devices (this includes different system users inside an OS) for each particular account. Cargo VPN is a solution from Eltima software that specializes in providing online security for Apple users. They offer apps for iOS and macOS that are designed to keep your internet traffic private, and to help you to overcome restrictions effectively. Let’s find out more about Cargo VPN and the features that it offers. Cargo VPN covers a vast territory with the multitude of its high-end servers located in different countries. 24 hours of free testing; 5 devices You can use Cargo VPN for absolutely free for 24 hours with 5 of your devices before you decide whether it is the right app for you. 256-bit Data Encryption. Cargo VPN is the safe app that helps to protect your identity and personal information on the Internet by hiding your IP address and location also keeping it away from governmental snoopers.

Pricing for Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN Connections:
If you enable acceleration when creating an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection to your Amazon VPC, Site-to-Site VPN connection pricing will apply as indicated above. You will also incur hourly charges for two Global Accelerators per VPN connection and Data Transfer Out Premium (DT-Premium) fees. DT-Premium depends on the source (AWS Region) and the destination (the edge location). See the AWS Global Accelerator pricing page. You will not incur any AWS Global Accelerator charges for non-accelerated VPNs.

Pricing examples

Pricing example 1 without Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN

  • You create an AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection to your Amazon VPC in US East (Ohio). The connection is active for 30 days, 24 hours a day. 1,000 GB are transferred in and 500 GB are transferred out through that connection.
  • AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection fee: You will be charged for your AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection on an hourly basis, for each hour the connection is active. For this AWS Region, the rate is $0.05 per hour.

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  • Data transfer out fee: Your first GB is free, you will be charged for 499 GB at $0.09 per GB. This will result in a charge of $44.91.
  • This will result in a total charge of $80.91.

Pricing example 2 with Accelerated Site-to Site VPN

Cargo Vpn Service

  • You create an Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN connection from your Amazon VPC in US East (Ohio) to a remote site located in Europe. The connection is active for 30 days, 24 hours a day. 1,000 GB are transferred in and 500 GB are transferred out through that connection.
  • Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN connection fee: You will be charged for your AWS Site-to-Site VPN connection on an hourly basis, for each hour the connection is active. For this AWS Region, the rate is $0.05 per hour. This will result in a charge of $36.
  • Data transfer out fee: Your first GB is free, you will be charged for 499 GB at $0.09 per GB. This will result in a charge of $44.91.
  • AWS Global Accelerator hourly fee: You will be charged for the two Global Accelerators used for your VPN connection on an hourly basis, for each hour the connection is active. The hourly rate is $0.025 per Global Accelerator, totaling $0.05 per hour. This will result in a charge of $36.
  • Accelerated Site-to-Site VPN DT-Premium fee: You will be charged DT Premium for the dominant direction of data transfer, which in this case is the 1,000 GB data in. For the monthly traffic of 1,000 GB between the regions in America and Europe, you are charged $15 at $0.015/GB.
  • This will result in a total charge of $131.91.

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AWS Client VPN pricing

Pricing example

You create an AWS Client VPN endpoint in US East (Ohio) and associate one subnet to it. You then create 10 Client VPN connections to the AWS Client VPN endpoint that is active for one hour.

  • AWS Client VPN endpoint hourly fee: You will be charged for your association to the AWS Client VPN endpoint on an hourly basis. For this AWS Region, the rate is $0.10 per hour.
  • Client VPN connection fee: You had 10 active Client VPN connection for 1 hour. The Client VPN connection charge will result in a charge of $0.50.
  • This will result in a total charge of $0.60

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