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The Skyfire Mountains are named for the reddish glow that lights the skies at night, created by the lava that flows across this broken land. The dragons have claimed this part of Kunark their domain, and their kind move freely over the dangerous terrain protecting their stronghold, Veeshan's Peak.
Skyfire Mountains
This zone is filled with high-level dragon-like creatures, all of whom are aggressive - also, most seem to social aggro with each other. Most do not see invisible creatures, but the great dragon Talendor certainly does. Certain monsters have unique abilities as well. The chromodracs are notorious for their area-effect dispel attack. The higher level drakes and wyverns can summon you as well. Hunting here is also bad for faction with the outdoor dragons in Kunark, especially Gorenaire in the Dreadlands, which can make travel through that zone more dangerous.
Also, the terrain is kind of rough. This barely limits visibility, but travelling quickly can sometimes result in you landing in a lava river or, worse yet, in a lake of lava. This can quickly add up to a lot of damage, especially if you don't know how to swim.
The Wizard portal is known for being dangerous. It appears right in a very busy area in the zone, and many groups who use it find themselves attacked heavily immediately upon appearing in this area.
Sky Error Code Pfe 9009
This zone has some relatively sparse areas in which to hunt. You can pull freely to most wall areas or zone edges, and you can also do this with relative safety, as the area is relatively open for safer pulling.
Although the loot here is not exceptional, many high-level spells are dropped by creatures in this area, and this is the main reason people hunt here. One popular way to earn spells is to kill the 'cycle' of mobs known as the Skyfire Named Cycle.
Traveling To and From Skyfire Mountains
The Skyfire Mountains can be reached by zoning at approximately 4000, 1500 from Burning Wood, entering at about -5700, 1700 into Skyfire Mountains.
The Overthere can be reached from Skyfire Mountains, at roughly -1140, -3900.
Veeshan's Peak can be reached through a large, ornate entrance that is heavily guarded by wyverns and their kin. The location is at approximately +3400, +3000.
The Wizard spell Tishan's Relocation teleports the group to location -3100, 790. This area is hilariously more dangerous than the Druid port in. You will be swarmed by a half dozen mobs upon zoning in, many of which will spam an aoe dispel, and you will die. Never cast this spell.
The Druid spell Wind of the North teleports the group to location -3185, 2730. This area is very close to the Burning Woods zone, and is generally perfectly safe to teleport into as long as you don't go AFK during the loading screen, although mobs do occasionally roam close enough by to aggro.
What's in this zone?
NPCs - Found 28 NPCs that spawn in Skyfire Mountains:
NPC Name | Race | Class | Level | Location | Known Loot | Description |
A Bottomless Devourer | Devourer | Warrior | 46-54 | Common spawn in West, South, and East Wings. | Opalescent Hide , Level 50+ Kunark Spells MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | Spawns in West Wing are generally 46-49, South Wing 49-53, East Wing 51-54.They also exist in Skyfire Mountains. (Same.. |
A Chromadrac | Fay Drake | Warrior | 44 | See Discussion | Various | Casts Boiling Blood and Phobocancel (Dispel). |
A Guardian Wurm | Wurm | Warrior | 60 | 5% @ (2437, 3070), 5% @ (2247, 1096), 5% @ (710, -1816), 5% @ (1544, -160), 5% @ (-914, 982) | Various | These wurms guard the entrance to Veeshan's Peak.Often refered to as Gwurm or Gwurms by people who farm them for their.. |
A Mature Chromadrac | Fay Drake | Warrior | 45-49 | 20% @ (616, -210), 20% @ (45, -903), 20% @ (4019, 4558), 20% @ (2850, 2877) | Various | Casts Boiling Blood and Phobocancel (dispel). Resisted Rapture (I think this means it cannot be mezzed). |
A Mature Wurm | Wurm | Warrior | 45 | Various | Wurm Meat , QUEST ITEM Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Description needed. |
A Mature Wyvern | Wyvern | Warrior | 47 | See Discussion | Lava Rock , Kunark Level 50+ Spells MAGIC ITEM QUEST ITEM | High fire resistance. |
A Shadow Drake | Drake | Warrior | 47-49 | 3% @ (-3342, 782), 3% @ (-1092, 4182) | Various | Description needed. |
A Skyash Drake | Drake | Warrior | 39 ~ 43 | Need Info | Skyash Bile , Spell: Cannibalize III, Spell: UpheavalQUEST ITEM | Description needed. |
A Skycinder Drake | Drake | Warrior | 43-47 | Various | Skyash Bile , Level 50+ Kunark Spells, QUEST ITEM Words of the Ethereal WT: 0.1 Size: TINY | Description needed. |
A Soul Devourer | Devourer | Warrior | 47 | 5% @ (-3342, 782) | Various | Description needed. |
A Wandering Wurm | Wurm | Warrior | 47 | Various | Wurm Meat , QUEST ITEM Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Description needed. |
A Wurm | Wurm | Warrior | 41 | Various | Wurm Meat , QUEST ITEM Wurm Scale , Level 50+ Kunark Spells QUEST ITEM | High fire resistance. Common spawn in both Burning Woods and Skyfire Mountains. Killed SF Wurm root rotting. T.. |
A Wurm Spirit | Wurm | Warrior | 47 | 6% @ (-3342, 782)? | Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle. |
A Wyvern | Wyvern | Warrior | 40-44 | Various | Lava Rock MAGIC ITEM QUEST ITEM | Occasionally casts a Dark Poison damage for 50 points. High fire resistance. |
A bottomless feaster (Skyfire Mountains) | Devourer | Warrior | 45 | 100% @ (-837, -1892), 100% @ (-1280, -1238), 100% @ (-1428, 511), 100% @ (-2812, -1090) | Various | Description needed. |
A bottomless gnawer | Devourer | Warrior | 42 | 100% @ (-3250, 656), 100% @ (-2900, 1614) | Various | Description needed. |
A lava walker | Wyvern | Warrior | 52 | 11% @ (-3342, 782) | Immortals LORE ITEM NO DROP | Description needed. |
A skyfire drake | Drake | Warrior | 47 ~ 51 | Need Info | Skyash Bile , Spell: Cannibalize III, Spell: UpheavalQUEST ITEM | Description needed. |
An Ancient Wyvern | Wyvern | Rogue | 60 | ? | Various | Description needed. |
An Elder Wyvern | Wyvern | Warrior | 48-52 | 50% @ (2427, 3068), (391, -308), (3959, 3140) | Mithril Amulet , Slot: NECK Lava Rock , Level 50+ Kunark Spells MAGIC ITEM QUEST ITEM | Description needed. |
An Old Wurm | Wurm | Warrior | 47 | 100% @ (1418, -1774), (1569, -383), (-1193, 4177) | Pearl Necklace , Level 50+ Kunark Spells, Slot: NECK Crystallized Sulfur , WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Wurm Meat QUEST ITEM | Description needed. |
Black Scar | Drake | Warrior | 45 | 5% @ (-3342, 782) | Skyash Bile , QUEST ITEM Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle. |
Eldrig the Old | Fay Drake | Warrior | 51 | See Discussion | Chromodrac Gut , MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP Immortals , Level 55-58 Kunark Spells (Always 1) LORE ITEM NO DROP | Kelkim Menkia says 'The strings were from a chromodrac.' 6 minute respawn. Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle.See.. |
Faerie of Dismay | Fay Drake | Warrior | 47 | 5% @ (-3342, 782) ? | Chromadrac Wing , QUEST ITEM Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle. |
Felia Goldenwing | Fay Drake | Druid | 45 | 3% @ (-3604, 957), (-2380, 145) | Level 50+ Kunark Spells | Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle? |
Guardian of Felia | Wyvern | Warrior | 44 | 100% @ (2202, -3663), (-3342, 782) | Immortals , Level 50+ Kunark Spells LORE ITEM NO DROP | Part of the Skyfire Named Cycle. |
Jennus Lyklobar | Gnome | Magician | 61 | 100% @ (4175, 2860) | None | Rewards the Element of Fire. |
Talendor | Lava Dragon | Warrior | 60 | (3287, 1824) Wanders | Various | Wanders his home in Skyfire with a tendency to agro from the distant horizon. Lure of Ice lands on him. Charms. He i.. |
Items - Found 18 items that drop in Skyfire Mountains:
Item Name | Drops From | Slot | Stats |
Blazing Breastplate of Fennin Ro MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | None? | Chest | AC: 20 STR: +5 CHA: +8 WIS: +5 INT: +5 SV FIRE: +20 Effect: Sunbeam (Casting Time: 4.0) at Level 45 WT: 15.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Race: ALL except IKS |
Blazing Gauntlets of Fennin Ro MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | None? | Hands | AC: 15 DEX: +8 CHA: +5 AGI: +8 SV FIRE: +8 Effect: FirefistWT: 3.8 Size: MEDIUM Class: WAR CLR PAL SHD BRD Race: ALL except IKS |
Chromadrac Wing QUEST ITEM | a chromadrac, a mature chromadrac, Faerie of Dismay | (None) | QUEST ITEM WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Chromodrac Gut MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | Eldrig the Old | (None) | MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Cloak of Flames MAGIC ITEM | Talendor | Back | AC: 10 DEX: +9 AGI: +9 HP: +50 SV FIRE: +15 Haste: +36% WT: 0.1 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Fusible Igneous Ore MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | None? | (None) | MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Gauntlets of Fiery Might Thunderbolt pci for mac pro. MAGIC ITEM | Talendor | Hands | AC: 10 STR: +7 DEX: +7 STA: +7 SV DISEASE: +7 SV POISON: +7 WT: 0.3 Size: SMALL Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG Race: ALL |
Halcyon Broadsword MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO DROP | an ancient wyvern | 1H Slashing | Atk Delay: 25 DMG: 18 WT: 7.5 Size: MEDIUM Class: PAL Race: ALL |
Immortals LORE ITEM NO DROP | Various | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 3.0 Size: SMALL |
Impure Heart of Zordak Ragefire LORE ITEM NO DROP | Zordakalicus Ragefire | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 1.0 Weight Reduction: 0% Capacity: 2 Size Capacity: MEDIUM |
Lava Rock MAGIC ITEM QUEST ITEM | a mature wyvern, a wyvern, an elder wyvern | (None) | MAGIC ITEM QUEST ITEM WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Red Dragon Scales MAGIC ITEM | Talendor | (None) | MAGIC ITEM WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Selo`s Drums of the March MAGIC ITEM | Talendor | Secondary | Percussion Instrument: 24 WT: 0.5 Size: SMALL Class: BRD Race: ALL |
Shield of the Red Dragon MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM | Talendor | Secondary | AC: 25 STR: +10 CHA: +10 AGI: -5 SV FIRE: +40 SV DISEASE: +5 SV COLD: +5 SV MAGIC: +5 SV POISON: +5 WT: 5.0 Size: MEDIUM Class: WAR CLR PAL RNG SHD DRU BRD ROG SHM Race: ALL |
Skyash Bile QUEST ITEM | Various | (None) | QUEST ITEM WT: 0.0 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch MAGIC ITEM | Talendor | Face | WIS: +15 INT: +15 Effect: See Invisible (Worn) WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: ALL Race: ALL |
Torn, burnt book LORE ITEM NO DROP | Talendor | (None) | LORE ITEM NO DROP WT: 1.0 Size: TINY Class: NONE Race: NONE |
Wurm Scale QUEST ITEM | Various | (None) | QUEST ITEM WT: 0.1 Size: TINY Class: NONE Race: NONE |
Since 2006, Sky’s on-demand and live TV service, Sky Go, has been around. The app means that you can enjoy your favourite Sky TV shows on the go at no extra cost.
Whether you’re on a plane or catching the train, Sky Go is always available at just a click of a button.
However, even some of the best apps can have a glitch or two and Sky Go users have reported experiences of a lot of error codes.
Here’s what to do if you’re seeing the Sky error code ‘pfe 12000’…
Why does the Sky error code ‘pfe 12000’ happen?
There are a few reasons that the Sky Go error code ‘pfe 12000’ can occur.
- The error can be something to with your network connection. If you suspect that your internet connection is to blame then try turning off your wifi hub, wait a few minutes and then reconnect everything and try again.
- Your satellite signal connection could also be to blame for a Sky TV error code. If you’ve had bad weather recently or live in an area with lots of trees then these could cause problems when watching TV.
- You may just need to reset the app by uninstalling and reinstalling it.
Fix: Sky error code pfe 12000
The following steps should get your Sky Go error code fixed in no time.
- First, uninstall the Sky Go app from your device.
- Next, ‘forget’ your home wifi network.
- Now, shut down and unplug the Sky TV box. Wait a few minutes, then power up the Sky box again.
- Re-connect to the wifi. Now re-install the Sky Go app and everything should be in working order.
If you’re still experiencing issues with your digital device then don’t hesitate to contact Digi Helpdesk on 0800 433 7963.
Can Sky Go error codes be avoided?
Sky Fehlercode Pfe 9009
Sky Go error codes can be avoided to a degree but there will be technical hitches when using all sorts of streaming services.
Sky Code Pfe 9009
For the Sky TV app to work optimally you’ll need to have a good quality internet connection to start with as well any many other specs which can be found online here for various operating systems.