Jul 23, 2018 - Explore Nikki Beaton's board 'Microsoft Onenote Ideas', followed by 287 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about one note microsoft, microsoft, one note tips. Additionally, OneNote can calculate math for you. For example, if you type in something like “ $15.365.10= ” (without the quotes), once you press the spacebar, OneNote will fill in the answer.
Microsoft OneNoteIndex
Microsoft OneNote
OneNote is a digital notebook, which is a part of Microsoft Office. It allows the establishment of notes, files, articles, pictures, and more data in a single digital pad. It is accessible almost for all devices such as Mobile, Laptops, Desktops, and also for all the operating systems (IOS, MAC, Windows, and Android).
In OneNote,users can generate notes that can consist of text, tables, pictures, anddrawings. The appearance of OneNote is an essentially unbounded document windowin which users can click anywhere on the cover to create a new text box at thattop point. OneNote, similar to google sheets, saves data automatically as theuser makes changes to their file.
OneNote saves information in pages standardizesinto segments within a notebook. Microsoft describes this user interface tosimulate a tabbed ring binder. This allows the user to make notes and gathersubstantial from other applications. OneNote notebook collects, formulates, andshares probably unpublished materials – as correlated to word processors, whichgenerally disclose the target in some way.
Uses of OneNote:-
- OneNote can be a powerful way to create your projects and objectives.
- Many students use OneNote for their academics, but we can also take advantage of it for work or personal projects.
- Microsoft OneNote is a digital variant of a physical notebook. It means we can take digital notes and keep them in an organized manner.
Functions of OneNote
The functions of Microsoft OneNote are:-
- The OneNote program allows users to reject paper notebooks and to-do lists in facilitate of the OneNote “digital notebooks.”
- OneNote organizes notes, pictures, videos, and Internet links into lists, which can easily manage according to the user’s choice.
Features of OneNote
There are some following features of OneNote:-
- Print sections & notebook:- Rather than printing separate pages one by one, OneNote forWindows 10 now supports printing a full segment or even the entire notebook.
- Navigate Back &Forward:- If the user navigates between many pages,segments, or notebooks generally. Then the user will love the new back andforward buttons placed in the name bar at the top left. These work like thebuttons in a web browser, allow going back and forward among the pages.
- Multiple Windows:- Each window can navigate to its pageindividually of the others. It is great forbalancing, chiefly, when united with ease assistance, which is one of the bestand underrated features of Windows 10. Run two OneNote windows side by side forcapacity.
- Page Previews:- The user can switch viewing by going tothe view tab, clicking on navigation panes, and selecting showpage preview. It captures the first sentence established in each page,and a compact of the first image if one endures.
- Create& Hide Subpages:- Ifyou right-click on a page in the current notebook chunk, then select Subpages> Make Subpage to shift that page into a subpage of the page raised.When a page has subpages, it boosts an arrow next to it that we can use tocrash and hide. We can turn a subpage into a regular page by right-clicking onit and selecting Subpages > Improve Subpage.
- Page Version History:- OneNote keeps track of alteration made topages and labels, each one as a “page version.” We can see thehistory of a single page by right-clicking on it and choose PageVersions. You can then turn back to a previous version by selecting it andclicking Make Current Page.
- Page Zooming:- You can use the new Page Width buttonin the View menu to directly zoom out and see everything onthe page. If we want to zoom back in, click the Zoom to 100% buttonnext right to it. We can also use the Zoom In and ZoomOut buttons for on-demand zooming of specific fields.
- Text Search:- You can press the Ctrl + F shortcutkey to bring up the search panel. We can type what we want to search for, thenselect whether to search the current page, current segment, current notebook,or all notebooks.
- Page Version History:- OneNote keeps a record of changes made to pages and labels, eachone as a “page version.” The user can see the history of a particularpage by right-clicking on that page and selecting the page versions.
- Convert Handwriting to Text:- OneNote also provides a feature to draw and handwrite notesdirectly within the OneNote application.
- Easy Table Dimensions:- The creation of the table is not so easy inOneNote, So, the user can use the easy insertion button, which is located underthe insert menu. The insertion button instantly creates many rows and columnsaccording to user’s need
Installation Process of OneNote
How to Get the OneNote App
- Click on Play Store/Microsoft play store.
- Search for Microsoft OneNote.
- Click Install. Then the app will be shown on the home screen, when it is installed.
Now, you can click on the launch icon to start the OneNote.
How to use OneNote
A user can view OneNote as asimple paper notebook which is used to make notes, etc
- Notebook:- Itmeans where the user can collect related information in one place, just likethe user uses a paper notebook. Forexample, the user could have separate notebooks for Home, School, and Work,or can make even more specific notebooks, such as work improvement Projects, orClient Projects. For jumping between notebooks using the dropdown arrow, in theWindows version, the user keeps the notebooks list open in a sidebar byclicking the dropdown arrow and then the pin icon.
Examples of Notebook
Now you’re familiar with the interface of the notebook, what youare going to do with OneNote?
By default, OneNote comes with a “Personal (Web)”notebook that the user can use as their central notebook. But users can createan endless number of other notebooks and within them, an infinite number ofsections and pages.
Before you dive in, think about the types of information or datathat you want to create or collect. So, you can create a format foryour notebook and thenstart your work and everything in OneNote.
You can create notebooks based on the varietyof information or data you have collected and recorded. For example, you mayhave a notebook for tasks and project management, maybe use of OneNote with theGetting Things Done (GTD system) or as a digital notebook.
If your project requires lots of notes orresearch, make a notebook for an individual project, Finally, turning OneNoteinto a project management tool. Thanks to its large part and its highintegration with Outlook and other Microsoft Office applications.
We have many notebooks tolist, but the main ones include:-
- Two shared notebooks on One Drive are reachable from anywhere. It contains sections on family history, written notes, income tax notes, yearly budgets, Christmas lists, objects presentation, and so much more.
- Travel packing and to-do lists for trips plan.
- Moving notebook that holds everything sensible, from what goes in the truck to what gets sold to when you plan to stop where and who are connecting with you.
- Shared notebooks used with the co-writer to write their book about OneNote. “We set it up to share data with others and to make sure we had everything covered in the tutorial. It made it easier to build examples—all we had to do was take screenshots of the features as we used them to develop the book.”
- Sections:-It helps the user to combine the information in each notebook withcolorful tabs running on top of the application. For example, if theuser has a notebook for a particular project, the user could create sectionsfor each stage of the project. Every section holds one or more notes—which areequally called pages, to carry the notebook comparatively.
Sections can be merged together. That comes in handy when the user has many section tabs to fit on one screen. For example, if the user has a meeting notes notebook with sections for the monthly, quarterly, and yearly meetings. The user could combine all the sections into one section group. Right-click on a section tab and select “New section group,” then a user can add sections to a new group. A user can also password protect the sections by right-clicking on the tab, then select “Password Protection.”
- Pages:- The pages are listed in theright-hand navigation panel (or in the left if we change the settings in the Windows).A user can place and drag content around anywhere on the page: checklists nextto photos, text boxes side by side, audio recordings next to the notes, and soon.
The user can even drag-and-drop pages and sections to reorder them. However, some features are not possible in most other note apps.
- Capture your ideas or information in OneNote:- A note-taking and information- occupying app is good till it helps you to get ideas and any other type of content instantly onto the page. Thankfully, OneNote offers many ways to do the same. And OneNote also offers special tools to upgrade your notes with automatic mathematics calculations and icon-based tags.
Ways to Create Notes in OneNote
- What you See Is What You Get:- OneNote is just like using Microsoft word.You get the familiar Office Ribbon with text editing tools and a fewpreformatted text styles you can spread.
If you use the inking option in OneNote—writing with your stylus or finger on a touch screen. OneNote’s superb handwriting acceptance will even be able to search your notes or convert your writing to text.
- Create a Quick Note:- OnWindows, press
tocreate a note, which will be saved automatically to your notebook under theQuick Notes field. Or pressWin
totake a screenshot; you will be asked that where you want to save the screenshot.
On iOS, you can use 3D Touch to speedily adda new note or take a picture and send it to OneNote. And on Android, you canuse the OneNote application—a moveable button on your screen to perform thesame. On both, you can save links to websites as OneNote notes from the mobilebrowser’s sharing menu.
- The Web Clipper:- Similar to Evernote, OneNote has a web clipper browser expansion that lets you speedily save any information from the web. You can easily save the whole page, a segment of the page, a classic version of the page with the text, or a link to the page with viewing a copy. Select which notebook you want to send for clipping and add a note about it.
- Send Emails to OneNote:- It is too easy to forward or send an email to
. It gets saved in your default notebook and section of your choice in OneNote. You will need to set up one or more email addresses you want to work first.
Note:- If the user wants to send the note to the other section in default notebook, use the @ symbol before mentioning the section name (e.g., @section name) in the subject line.
- Scan Documents & Takepictures with Office Lens:- Youcan capture notes on a whiteboard, scanpapers or any business card, and many more by using the Microsoft’s Office lenscamera app for Windows, iOS. It automatically trims and cleans up your pictures beforesaving them into OneNote.
- Interactive objects:- You can insert any video, Google Maps via Microsoft Sway, 3D sketches, animated GIFs, live programming code, and much more.
- Add a Table:- You can just click the table button in the insertmenu and select the number of rows and columns you want for your table to makethe page. On Windows desktop, you can also add an Excel spreadsheet—changesmade to the excel file are shown in OneNote and vice versa.
Note:– You can also type a word and then press the Tab key to automatically create a table.
- Draw and insert shapes:- With the Microsoft OneNote, you candraw any shape on the page or explain anything on the page with drawing tools.You can also Highlight a part of a screenshot, make a rough blueprint of alogo, and more.
OneNote’s ink shape identity tool can take the rough hand-drawn shapes and convert them into perfect form.
- Insert math equations andperform calculations:- OneNote can help you to work with math. Just start typing anequation, such as
, and then the equal sign (=) rightafter (without space), OneNote will calculate the answer for you.
Note:- In the Windows 10 app, you can handwrite any formula, quadratic equations. OneNote will not only solve the method, but it will also help you to get the answer.
Organize, Tags & Link the Notes
In the OneNote search box, you can find the information or data which you need on the current page, a segment, section group, or a particular notebook, as well as search all journals at once.
- Tag in OneNote:- You can also create your pages and notebooks for easy management and readability using OneNote’s tags. You can tag any part of the page with OneNote. For example, you can tag one paragraph or a sentence and another part of the page. The tags like sticky notes you can apply to your notes. You can create tradition tags in the Windows version of OneNote.
Tags not only make the notes more scannable, but they also make specific content more examinable across your notebook. On Windows desktop, for example, when you search for a word and use the “Find Tags” button on the Home menu. OneNote’s tags summary pane shows you the tags you have applied and gives you quick access to them.
Attach anything with OneNote & Create Special Notes
The pages of OneNote are flexible and smart. You can enclose all arrange of content in OneNote and make that searchable or transform it into a different format. For example-, from the Insert menu, you can:-
- An Audio &video:- Youcanrecord a lecture, interview, or meeting, and you can searchfor the required terms within the audio or video files later. You will need to setup searching within audio or video from OneNote’s option settings first. (MACdoes not provide the feature of video recording).
- Insert a PDF& Image:- Any text in the PDF or picture will be searchable (easy OCRoption to copy text from the picture with a right-click), and you can also explainthe content using the tools in the Draw menu.
- Attach a file:– You can attach any file to OneNote asa shortcut. For some types of files such as Word docs, spreadsheet files, PDFsor plain text, click on the “eye” button on the file to see a previewof the file elements.
- Link the notes:– You can add links toother pages to a notebook or specific paragraph. You can do Right-click on whatyou want to create a link for and select “Copy Link To”, then pastethe link on the page you want to add it.
Note:- If you have the name of the page you want to link to, you can type its name between double brackets, For example:Worked on [OneNote Draft] article
. OneNote will enter the link for you.
It means linking ability is that you cancreate your own wiki easily in OneNote.
- Share the Notes with OneNote:- If you want to hook up on notes and projects with others, OneNote helps you. You can share shopping lists, documents, images, audios, videos with your relevants , project-related material with your team, and anything else you store in OneNote. First, you make sure your notebooks are synced to your One Drive account if you want to share them with others.
In the Windows desktop app, click Filethen Share to share the notebook with others via email or grasp a link to thenotebook. You can go to File then, Send and email the current page of yournotebook, Save it as a PDF attachment, Send the page to Word, or make a blogfrom the page.
For the Mac andOneNote Online users, click the sharing icon at the right top of the app (itlooks like a person with a plus sign on it) to get the sharing options. You canshare your notebook with anyone who can access it on the web or in OneNoteapplication. Any changes you make on the page will arise in real-time.
- Create OneNote notes from your favorite Appautomatically:- You can automatically createnew notes by linking OneNote with over 500 other applications using Zapier. For example, you can create OneNotenotes from calendar or labeled emails in Gmail, you can also save Slackmessages to OneNote, and more.
Advantages of OneNote
Some advantages of Microsoft OneNote are mentioned below:-
- IncreaseWorkflow and Daily Enterprise:– The idea of MicrosoftOneNote is a notebook composition of different sectors, and with each sector,we can create an unlimited number of pages. We can also drag and drop filesfrom computers or mobiles into OneNote and save them directly from theInternet—collecting them into the notebook. OneNote embedded withthe “optical character recognition” feature, which allows the user tosearch text, pictures themselves, and not just file names.
- EasyAccess:- If we like to work onany document, then OneNote enhances document accessibility. We can alsoadd notes or even use OneNote’s voice recording tool and save thoughts.
- ImprovesTransparency:-The information isimportant for the organization. OneNote allows you to share the notebooks andits contents with anyone. Also, if they don’t have installed the program, thenthey can only view it.
- AutomaticSave & Never Lose Information:- OneNote user never has to save the content.
Similar to Microsoft Access, OneNote automaticallysaves all content input into the program by the user.
Users often find their devices running low onbattery; for them, OneNote has user’s stuff backed up properly.
Disadvantages of OneNote
Some disadvantages of Microsoft OneNote are:-
Onenote Class Notebook Examples
- It is Complex for the beginners:-OneNote takes a bit of time toget used to, The interface and design has enhanced over the years but genuinely reducing thelearning. Once the user gets used to the interface, it is quite easy to use. Thebest way to learn OneNote is to start using; over time, the user will be ableto maximize OneNote’s capability.
How To Use Onenote As A Notebook
- Limitationsfor MAC Users:- MAC users do not have any option to useoptical character recognition(OCR) feature.